Привет Раша Privet Russia
БАйкал зима
Северные олени саамская деревня
Privet Russia
Embark on a tour with full
immersion in the atmosphere of the most
colorful regions of Russia 2024
Let's get to know each other and choose a tour for you
Все отзывы 5.0
Please fill out the form,
so that we can choose
the perfect tour for you
By clicking on the button, you agree to the
"Privacy Policy" and the "User Agreement"

travel in russia
tour operator

Рубашка для отпуска
project is for those who
want the most comfortable
and safety tour.
bought and went
We turn our
guests' trips into perfect adventures:
Safe, comfortable,
thoughtful, and we also:
Мы превращаем поездки
наших гостей в идеальные
приключения: Безопасные,
комфортные, продуманные,
а еще у нас:
5 star reviews
Рейтинг 5 звезд
in the organization
of travel
recommends us
to friends and family
Отличные отзывы
they are returned
Довольные гости
> 1000 GUESTS
per year from all over the world
Гости со всего мира
license 024065
no overpayments
to the agency
Прямой туроператор
Довольный хаски собака
Териберские качели
Морские ежи
Лед Байкала
All photos were taken by us and our guides. We will damage you and a lawyer for copying the content.
Who knows all
about exciting travel
Которая знает
все о классных
The founder, worries about each guest as for children
Travel expert of all Russia. I traveled to 30 countries before it was so popular. For 15 years, he has been taking care of the vacations of thousands of Russians and guests from abroad. I survived all the crises of tourism and fell in love with it even more. Absolute love and desire to create tours with a high level of service, as abroad, but with a soul, as in Russia. As a mother of two children, she instills a love for nature and introduces the younger generation to such a large and unique country!
Technical director, perfectionist, organizes tours for 5 years
A former programmer and robotics teacher, who has been teaching children and taking them to All-Russian competitions since the age of 18, went into tourism to optimize and automate processes. However, his hobby turned into a passion: he not only mastered the technical side of creating tours, but also the art of making every trip unforgettable for the participants.
Together with our
charming guests
We create unforgettable
moments and make every tour
Вместе с нашими
гостями мы создаем
незабываемые моменты
и делаем каждый тур
This format is for you
Стрелка направо
travel with us:
we will always have someone
to share our impressions
with and you will definitely find
new friends
Путешествия по одному
a romantic
or friendly trip
that will be remembered for
a lifetime
Путешествия вдвоем
ideal routes
to relax with
friends and relatives
or colleagues
Путешествия в компании
Териберка непередаваемые эмоции
Байкал команда туристов
Смайлик рука считающая деньги
We create trips as for our close friends, but there are
a few more reasons:
Карта маршрута
safe route
and 24/7 support
Only the most interesting
places, certified guides,
cozy hotels, delicious food
and comfortable and reliable
Онлайн бронирование
Secure online
We work online.
We provide a contract
that does not need to be printed
and we guarantee 100%%,
that the tour will take place if you have booked your place.
Идеальная кухня для вас
The perfect meals
For you!
Regardless of
whether you are a vegetarian, a raw
food eater or follow a special diet,
we will help you choose the best
dishes of local cuisine. Delicious possibilities without limits!
Памятка туриста
Tourist's Memo
Where to go and where
to have a snack in your free
time, as well as other
useful information
and 24/7 support
for any questions
Персональный менеджер
Personal Manager
Personal approach to each client and support at every stage.
We will help you choose tickets,
a hotel and a tour
that is right for you according to your budget
and travel expectations.
Our experts will be able to answer
any questions.
Мы всегда рядом
We are always there for you
Our support team is available 24/7
Your peace
of mind and safety
are above all for us. Trust
us and we will take care of you
throughout the
Официальный туроператор
tour operator
Our company is
in the official register
tour operators RTO 024065
and insured. We
provide a contract, receipts.
If necessary for accounting
and other documents.
Комфортное размещение
Only comfortable accommodation
We accommodate guests
on tours only in comfortable
guest houses or hotels
that provide everything
conveniences. Tents and field
The bathhouse is not about us.
Только самые интересные места,
аттестованные гиды, уютные отели, вкусная
еда и комфортный и надежный транспорт.
Мы работаем онлайн. Предоставляем
договор, который не нужно печатать
и гарантируем на 100%, что тур состоится,
если вы забронировали свое место.
Независимо от того, являетесь ли
вы вегетарианцем, сыроедом или следуете
особой диете, мы поможем подобрать лучшие
блюда местной кухни. Вкусные возможности
без ограничений!
Ваше спокойствие и безопасность
для нас превыше всего. Доверьтесь нам,
и мы позаботимся о вас на протяжении
всего путешествия.
Поможем подобрать билеты, отель и тур подходящий именно вам по бюджету и ожиданиям от путешествия. Наши эксперты смогут ответить на любые вопросы.
Куда сходить и где перекусить в свободное
время, а также другая полезная информация
и поддержка 24/7 по любым вопросам
Наша компания состоит в официальном реестре туроператоров РТО 024065
и застрахована. Мы предоставляем договор,
чеки. Если нужно для бухгалтерии
и иные документы.
Мы размещаем гостей в турах только
в комфортных гостевых домах или отелях,
в которых предусмотрены все удобства. Палатки и полевая баня это не про нас.


Tour to Teriberka 4 days

DURATION: 4 days
SEaSON: September - april
The bestseller of the winter season is the program "See everything"! For 4 the day you I'll try my luck in search for the Northern lights to feeding reindeer and will meet Saami. And, of course, we will go to Teriberka!
PRICE: fROM 34 900 ₽ per person

Tours to Dagestan

Длительность: 5 дней
Сезон: апрель-сентябрь
Приключение в приятной компании: горы, каньоны, традиции и радушие региона впереди! Всё включено!
от 40 900 ₽ за человека
Tours to Murmasnk
Длительность: 4 дня
Сезон: июнь-сентябрь
Программа максимально наполнена природными достопримечательностями, которые передают дух Севера - Арктические водопады и фьорды, Хибины, Териберка с морской прогулкой по Баренцеву морю и конечно, Ловозерские тундры!
от 36 900 ₽ за человека
Главный тур лета 2024
Tours to Yamal
Длительность: 2 дня
Сезон: май-сентябрь
Самое главное на Кольском к посещению летом: Териберка и Ловозерские тундры, обед включен!
от 14 900 ₽ за человека
Tours to Kamchatka
Длительность: 2 дня
Сезон: июнь-сентябрь
2 дня на краю земли Мурманской области! Машины 4х4, драйв, броды и красота природы: скалы Два Брата, мыс Кекурский, мыс Немецкий, проживание на базе!
от 32 900 ₽ за человека
Tours to Baikal
Длительность: 4 дня
Сезон: апрель-май
Весна на Кольском полуострове: тур в Териберку, морская прогулка, саамская деревня, обзорная экскурсия по Мурманску, арктические обеды включены!
от 26 900 ₽ за человека
ВЕСНА 2024
How to book
A tour 5 steps?
Стрелочка переход
Карта маршрута
Следы ботинок
You fill
application form
Fill out the form. Even
if you don't know the dates, specify
any, the manager will help
choose the appropriate ones.
Let's discuss
the details
We will answer all questions,
dispel all doubts,
send a detailed
presentation, and select
a suitable hotel.
Choosing tickets
The manager will help
you choose convenient options
for air / train tickets from
anywhere in the world, you purchase
their own.
and prepayment
We conclude an agreement online,
you deposit only 5000 rubles/person
as an advance payment to guarantee
a fixed place on the tour.
The balance is payable
at the meeting with the guide.
you Are going
to meet your dream
After booking, we will send you a tourist reminder and closer to the beginning of the tour we will add you to the general chat with the guide and the tour organizer. Now
We are going nowhere without you
Бумажный самолетик
When our
guides speak,
even the birds listen to them
Смайлик совы
One of the best "hunters" for the Aurora in the Murmansk region. The real agent 007 of the Arctic Guides Association.
Emotions and quality, the best combinations for a tour on Lake Baikal and Julia knows this better than anyone.
Walked around the whole of Kola on his
own two feet, a professional guide
more than 15 years.
She spends every
weekend in Teriberka, knows every corner
on the edge of the earth.
Are the dates not suitable? Do you want to rest only your company? We will be happy
to help you plan and organize
an individual tour for you
Не подходят даты? Хотите
отдохнуть только своей компанией?
Мы с удовольствием поможем
продумать и организовать
индивидуальный тур для Вас
Маршрут путешествия
Only photos from tours are cooler than reviews
Северное сияние
Хвост поиски кита
Баренцево море
Северные олени
Бухта Териберки
And the coolest photos from the tours are only the real tour
Privet Russia
Find out about the tours
first! Subscribe
to our social
Смайлик рука пальцы ок
Телефон вк группа Privet Russia
It was unforgettable,
and I burst into tears
Смайлик радостный смайлик со слезами
our tourists
they write reviews themselves and
They come back again
Стрелочка вниз
Answers to questions that are often asked
our clients
No answer to the question?
Поиски китов в Териберке
Why overpay the agency
if you can ------- book
directly from the tour operator who
will solve all issues without intermediaries
faster and better quality
GROUP and individual TOURS
to Murmansk, Teriberka,
The Kola Peninsula
and other regions
Russia 2024-2025
The tour operator Privet Russia invites you to author tours of Dagestan, Baikal, the Kola Peninsula, the Murmansk Region and Teriberka.
mountains, water tourism, snowmobiling,
trekking, cruises, ethnotourism,
safaris and expeditions
Териберка и Баренцево море
Ледокол Ленин и группа туристов
We do not have typical tourist routes, where the group
is simply led from one attraction to another,
and the visiting guide retells Wikipedia
The main focus is on the study of the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia.
To do this, we cooperate with local, certified guides who were born
and raised in Lake Baikal, Altai, Karelia, Yakutia, the Urals and other regions.
Such individual tours in Russia become not just trips, but real adventures
that will be remembered for a lifetime. With us you will see how whales swim, attend a traditional dinner
with a Chechen family and get acquainted with the unique culture of the locals of the Kola Peninsula.

Depending on your personal preferences, the package may include mountains, water tourism, cycling,
snowmobiling, trekking, cruises, ethnotourism, safaris and expeditions.
We go on tours in the Crimea, Altai, Karelia, Yakutia, the Urals and other
regions from Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as from any other
point of the country convenient for you.
We pay great attention to outdoor recreation — you will have enough free
time to walk through forests, mountains, along rivers, lakes, the coast of the seas and the ocean.
Regardless of where you want to go, to Altai, Karelia or any
other place, we will organize an unforgettable vacation in Russia for you. Even before the start
We will listen to and take into account all your individual wishes on nutrition,
route planning, the saturation of the trip and other points.
Our tour database contains all the popular tourist destinations, but if you want to go
to some other interesting place, we will carefully listen and discuss your proposal.

Solo tourists, couples, and groups of friends are happy to go on group tours 2023 from Privet Russia,
relatives and colleagues. For each group of guests, we develop a comfortable individual route,
which takes into account the wishes of all participants.
Байкал лёд
Байкал ледяные пещеры
Do not delay, we live once!
Fill out the form
so that we can choose
the perfect tour for you
By clicking on the button, you agree to the
"Privacy Policy" and the "User Agreement"
Free of charge
Take advantage of the detailed tour consultation, find out about the availability of seats for the dates you are interested in and get a full presentation of the program!

By clicking on the button, you agree to the
"Privacy Policy" and the "User Agreement"
© LTD «PRIVET RUSSIA» 2022-2024

We are in the register of tour operators